Self-attention mechanism
Multi-head attention
Simple Distilation code
from link
How to prune the model
from torch.nn.utils import prune
pruner = prune.L1Unstructured(amount=0.2)
state_dict = distilroberta.state_dict()
for key in state_dict.keys():
if "weight" in key:
state_dict[key] = pruner.prune(state_dict[key])
- FP16, Mixed Precision등을 쓰는것
- float 대신 int8로 quantization 하는 법
import torch distilroberta = torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic( model = distilroberta, qconfig_spec ={torch.nn.Linear : torch.quantization.default_dynamic_qconfig}, dtye=torch.qint8 )
Sparse attention with fixed patterns
- In sparse mode, the information is transmitted through connected nodes(non-empty cells) in the model.
- For example, the output position 7 of the sparse attention matrix cannot directly attend to the input position 3, since the cell(7,3) is seen as empty.
- However, position 7 indirectly attends to position 3 via the token position 5, that is (7->5, 5->3, 즉, 7->3이 가능)
- the full self-attention incurs n^2 numbers of active cells, the sparse model does roughly 5xn.
- Global Attention
- A few selected tokens or a few injected tokens are used as global attention that can attend to all other positions and be attended by them.
- Hense, the maximum path distance between any two token positions is equal to 2.
- 그니까 최소한 맨 앞에 있는 CLS Token은 모든 token과 direct conntect가 가능하도록 설계된거네. SequenceClassification은 이것만으로도 잘될수도 있겠다. 그런데 Token Classification은?
- By the way, these global tokens don’t have to be at the beginning of the sentence either. For example, the longformer model randomly selects global tokens in addition to the first two tokens.
- Blockwise Pattern, it chunkes the tokens into a fixed number of blocks, which is especially usueful for long-context-problems. For example, when a 4096 x 4096 attention matrix is chunked using a block size of 512, then 8 (512x512) query blocks and key blocks are formed.
- Many efficient models such as BigBird and Reformer mostly chunk tokens into blocks to reduce the complexity.
- It is import to note that proposed patters must be supprted by the accelerators and the libraries.
- Some attention patterns such as dilated patterns require a special matrix multiplication that is not directly supported in current deep learning libraries such as PyTorch or TensorFlow as of writing this chapter.
- Longformer uses a combination of a sliding window and global attention.
Learnable patterns
- Learning-based patterns are the alternatives to fixed (predefined) patterns.
- These approaches extract the patterns in an unsupervised data-driven fashion.
- They leverage some techniques to measure the similarity between the queries and the keys to properly cluster them
- This transformer family learns first how to cluster the tokens and then restrict the interaction to get an optimum view of the attention matrix.
- Reformer, as one of the important efficient models based on learnable patterns.
- It employs Local Self Attention (LSA) that cuts the input into N chnunks to reduce the complexity bottleneck.
- The most important contribution of Reformer is to leverage the Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) function, which assignes the same value to similar query vectors. Attention could be approximated by only comparing the most similar vectors, which helps us reduce the dimensionality and then sparsify the matrix. It is a safe operation since the softmax function is highly dominated by large values and can ignore dissimilar vectors. Additionally, insted of finding the relevant keys to a given query, only similar queries are found and bucked. That is, the position of a query can only attend to the positions of other queries to which it has a high cosine similarity.
- To reduce the memory footprint, Reformer uses reversible residual layers, which avoids the need to store the activations of all the layers to be reused for backpropagation, following Reversible Residual Network(RevNet), becuase the activations of any layer can be recovered from the activation of the following layer.
- It is important to note that Reformer model and many other efficient transformers are criticized as, in practice, they are only more efficient than the vanilla transformer when the input length is very long(Ref:Efficient Transformers:A Survey).
Low-rank factorication, kernel methods, and other approaches
- The latest trend of the efficient model is to leverage low-rank approximations of the full self-attention matrix.
- These models are considered to be the lightest since they can reduce the self-attention complexity O(n2) to O(n) in both computational time and memory footprint.
- Choosing a very small projection dimension k, such that k « n, then the memory and space complexity is highly reduced.
- Linformer and Synthesizer are the models that efficiently approximate the full attention with a low-rank factorization. The decompose the dot-product NxN attention of the original transformer through linear projections.
- Kernel attention
- A kernel is a function that takes two vectors as arguments and returns the product of their projection with a feature map.
- It enables us to operate in high-dimensional feature space without even computing the coordinate of the data in that high-dimensional space, because computations within that space become more expensive. This is when the kernel trick comes into play.
- The efficient models based on kernelization enables us to re-write the self-attention mechanism to avoid explicitly computing the NxN matrix.
- SVM하고 비슷한듯
- Performer and Linear Transformers
Fundamental limitations of multilingual models
- curse of multilingualism
- degrades performance –> due to shared vocabulary
- Compared to monolingual models, multilingual models are significantly more limited in terms of the parameter budget.
- They need to allocate their vocabulary to each one of more than 100 languages.
- Capability of the designated tokenizer.
- “How good is your tokenizer? on the monolingual performance of multilingual language models(2021)” showed that when a dedicated language-specific tokenizer rather than a general-purpose one (shared multilingual tokenizer) is attatched to multilingual model, it improves the performance for that language
- imbalance in resource dstribution
- knowledge transfer between two languages can be more efficient if those languages are close.