Robustifying Multi-hop QA through Pseudo-Evidentiality Training
- This paper studies the bias problem of multihop question answering models, of answering correctly without correct reasoning. One way to robustify these models is by supervising to not only answer right, but also with right reasoning chains. An existing direction is to annotate reasoning chains to train models, requiring expensive additional annotations. In contrast, we propose a new approach to learn evidentiality, deciding whether the answer prediction is supported by correct evidences, without such annotations. Instead, we compare counterfactual changes in answer confidence with and without evidence sentences, to generate “pseudo-evidentiality” annotations. We validate our proposed model on an original set and challenge set in HotpotQA, showing that our method is accurate and robust in multi-hop reasoning.
- Multi-hop question answering is a task of answering complex questions by connecting information from several texts.
- However, previous works observe “disconnected reasoning” in some correct answer.
- It happens when models can exploit specific types of artifacts (e.g., entity type), to leverage them as reasoning shortcuts
- 질문이 시간을 의미하면 대충 시간이라는 entitiy의 답을 찾는다든가..
- To address the problem of reasoning shortcuts, we propose to supervise evidentiality - decideing whether a model answer is supported by correct evidences.
- This is related to the problem that most of the early reader models for QA failed to predict wether questions are not answerable.
- Lack of answerability training led models to provide a wrong answer with high confidence, when they had to answer ‘unanswerable’
- similarly, we aim to train for models to recognize whether their answer is “unsupported” by evidences, as well.
- Answerability와 함께, (1) Evidence-positive, (2) Evidence-negative set을 만듦
Question 1: 그럼 어떻게 저 데이터셋을 만들 것인가?
- 과거 기법 : Attention score -> pseudo annotation for evidence-positive set. 그러나 명확한 인과관계가 부족하고 multiple evidence를 sum해야하는 부분이 부족
- 따라서 Interpreter module을 추가하여, evidence들을 그룹핑 하는 작업을 수행
Question 2: 어떻게 학습시킬 것인가?
- Objective1 : QA model should not be overconfident in evidence-negative set
- Objective2 : confident in evidence-positive
- For O1, lower the model confidence on evidence-negative set via regularization.
- However such regularization can cause violating O2 due to correlation between confidence distributions for evicence-positive and negative set(무슨 말인지 모르겠음)
- Our solution is to selectively regularize, by purposedly training a biased model violating (O1), and decorrelate the target model from the biased model.
Generating Examples for training answerability and evidentiality
- We build triples of question Q, an answer A, and passage D, to be labeled for answerability.
- (Q, A, D) -> answer-positive A+, unanswerable set -> A-
- From this labels, we train a transformer-based model to classify the answerability.
- 그러나 answerability하다고 해도 evidentiality를 보장해주지는 않음
- 정답은 있으나, 정답을 유추할 수 있는 reason이 없으면 -> Evidence-negative E-, 있으면 Evidence-positive E+
- 근데 레이블이 없으니 pseudo-evidentiality를 사용
- 1) Answer sentence Only : we remove all sentences in answerable passage except S(sentences containing an answer), such that the input passage D becomes S, which contains a correct answer but no other evidences.
- 이거 근데 그냥 Sentence 1개만 있다는 말 아냐?
- 2) Answer Sentence + Irrelevant Facts : concat S* + unanswerable D
- 3) Partial Evidence + Irrelevant Facts
- Positive Set은 학습된 모델이 정답을 예측하는데 가장 큰 영향을 준 sentence로 정함.
- (a) 정답을 포함한 문장과 다른 문장들을 하나씩 추가해보면서 가장 높은 Prob을 내는 Set을 Evidence Set으로 함
- (b) 문장을 뻇을때 prob이 가장 줄어드는 문장을 evidence sentence로
- (a) + (b) 로 함